Thursday, 12 March 2009

Residential Wind Generators Give You Free Power!

Wind power is a fantastic source of renewable energy, and is becoming more and more popular all the time -- it is growing faster than any other such source and associated technology. Wind turbines catch the wind, causing them to turn, driving a generator (or dynamo), and so create electricity. The faster the wind is, and the greater its volume, the more electricity is generated -- so in places where winds tend to be strong, residential wind generators are the right choice to provide you with free power for your home, or for your business.

But don't think that your house has to be perched on a cliff top by the sea with great gusts of wind all day long to be able to take advantage of wind power. Provided the amount of wind your area experiences can typically reach speeds of greater than 8 miles an hour or so, you can still utilize wind energy to supplement your normal grid supply of electricity. You can buy a wind generator and ask a professional to install it, but there are some fantastically easy plans available on the internet for a very small outlay, and even the most modest diy enthusiast can build their own wind turbine in a short time -- and immediately start to benefit from generating their own electricity. Not only will your electricity bills will be lower, but you will be insulated against power cuts, and you can experience the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to save the planet by using this renewable energy source. What's more, if you do happen to live in a particularly windy environment then you should be able to generate a fair amount of your own electricity -- some people generate so much that they sell their excess back to the power company!

If you want to go down that road, then you should start to think about installing your own wind farm -- this is a set of several wind generators close together on your land (obviously you have to have enough land to be able to do this). You may have seen such wind farms in the countryside, but these are usually commercial ventures and they will use large industrial-strength turbines; yours will be on a much smaller scale. If you have your own wind farm, you live in the right state, and your power company has the appropriate arrangements in place, then you will be able to sell your excess electricity back to them.

Residential wind generators produce next to no pollution, they produce no greenhouse gases contributing towards global warming, and they give you free power -- your initial investment in the turbine will soon pay for itself (especially if you build it yourself).

So by building your own wind turbine you will have a positive effect on the environment and a positive effect on your wallet -- and all because the wind is blowing! Doesn't that sound good?

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